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Wednesday Night Prayer Requests
January 8th BIBLE STUDY Praises: Gary Brown came out during New Year's Girl in Maryland was found Sam Hallum's cancer free   ---------------------------------------------------- Prayers: Stephen's family Lady that was fired when child was wandering and the church has the daycare Gossett family - son died Ponji Beck family - breathing complications Gabriel - Pastor looking for some land near him that pastors near Haywood Road Carpenter family - Hope & Ron Moorehead Teresa Moss - health issues Lewis Willa Ree (cousin of Peggy)- funeral Fri @ Sweet Canaan Gary Brown - recovery Devario Toland Kell - pneumonia Iseland Benson - car trouble Ms. Shaw's co-workers Grace Hill (Biurnside) Bi polar disorders Norma Jean - transportation Leon Ferguson -  Sam Hallums Antoine's Father - Light Stroke  Talonda's List Joyce Bruster - heart Husband & Wife - Verna & Al Archer -missing youth (Kia Jones-mental condition) Dorothy King Holmes - pneumonia Martha Phelps (Terry) -  Emily Mitchell Smith - fibromyalgia Teresa Moss & family Debra McKinney's family Trap family Teresa Moss - surgery on gall bladder Rogers Stinson - prostate cancer Jimmy Blakely  -  Myasha James Chapman